Our Services
Since over 40 years now, our family workshop provides
you fine, traditional craftmanship

New Building
Making of new modern and historic bowed stringed instrument
The creation of a new instrument is a wonderful and inspiring work for the Violinmaker. The making of new instruments is a focus of our workshop. We make all kinds of modern and historic bowed stringed instruments. We are happy to take your special requests ( for example decorations, inlays, heads…) into consideration. Usually we can present you a small choice of our work in our workshop.

Trade of instruments
and bows
We have a selection of new and old instruments and bows in different qualities. If you are looking for something special, please call us. We will be happy to advise and help you.
Repair and restoration
of instruments
We conduct all kinds of repairs at instruments up to full restoration and historic conversation. With all works our goal is, to preserve as much of the original material as possible. For double bass repairs we kindly ask you for advance notification.

Rehair and repair
of bows
We conduct bow rehair and all kinds of bow repair.
Sound adjustments
No matter if you are a professional player earning your money with music or if you just love to make music in private life, you will probably have a specific idea of sound which you also want to show in your music. We will help you to make your instrument meet your idea of sound as close as possible.

We carry a wide selection of accessories like strings, cases and covers, shoulder rests and rosin. We happily will send you strings by mail order. If you have a specific request which is not in stock, we will try to order it for you.